I'm like Sokka - don't have superpowers, but a good analytical mind, also I'm kinda goofy-looking; I'm like Uncle Iroh, in that I am not wholly convinced that a good cup of tea may not be the most important thing in any given day. It's a controllable happiness. If you base your happiness upon conquering Ba Sing Se, or winning back the love of a father whose love is not worth the winning, misery is likely your lot. I am further like Iroh, in thinking kindness is the primary virtue: though he does a better job of living up to his ideals.
There you have it, apothegms to live by. Some of them may even be not entirely false. Your homework, should you choose to accept it: which parts are true ?
Those are the thoughts that remained after a five-mile run following a discussion with the kids. The other thoughts on the way were mostly sun, wind, and intimations of age. The wind and sun don't write down very well, the intimations are old news that does not improve with the re-telling.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
down a muddy river
The map gives a flavour of the expedition - high dramatic redrock canyon walls, vast perspectives whenever the walls opened up. We put in near the ghost town of Cisco, UT, some thirty miles upstream of the map. Actually not wholly a ghost town, there is a general store, five miles off the interstate. The story goes some football player came from Cisco, made his pot, and retired back home with a gregarious wife, who opened the store in an attempt to get some company. Buying an icecream there after the trip is apparently hazardous, the chat will take an hour or more.
Blazing heat at the put-in, I labored for an hour or more packing the barge while H ran shuttle. The boys swam until their lips turned blue, sat in the sun until they were hot again, then swam some more. Mud pies filled in the vacant minutes between these activities. After the loading, tossed out a fishing line with some Powerbait (blood flavour, mmm) which attracted a 1lb catfish in about 30 seconds. More casts brought more fish, but all small. Off down river after a bit more than two hours' wait, with a flotilla of 9 boats. There were many years of paddling experience floating down the river, including Jerry Nolan who wrote the book - well, maybe not the book, but the web page at least - on this stretch of river. What this translates to is a loose assemblage of at least 9 eccentrics, the spouses or spousal equivalents who put up with them, and our two kids. Luckily since we all canoe, we're all eccentric in much the same ways, so within the group we appear perfectly normal to each other. This is occasionally quite comforting.
Fish Ford BLM campsite is very attractive, but is road-accessible. This means at any moment drunken rednecks in 4x4s may descend and render the site uninhabitable, so we skipped it, and went on down to another site. It too had a rough road in, so there was an old sofa above the river next to a 10 foot diameter fire ring mounded high with beer cans. Ah well. The hinterlands were clean, flat, and cottonwood-shaded, so we took it. As we were coming downriver, there was a incessant hum filling the air. At first I thought powerlines, but no. Next theory was the tamarisk beetles, specially imported to kill the alien tamarisks sucking the rivers dry, but this was mere speculation. Upon landing the true source was revealed: vast formations of mosquitoes wheeled and dove down upon our shrinking flesh. We can report that the Repel Lemon Eucalyptus (non-DEET) formulation does work well, but we didn't get 6 hours of protection, only about 3 or so.
More labor, unpacking boat to set up tent, kitchen, snacks, etcetera. Oy. I need an easier tent or a smaller family. Money can solve only one of these problems, so I guess it's retail therapy for me this fall, when I'd rather be camping I'll be tent shopping.
Shattered in mind and body, I went to bed early. The boys stayed up at the campfire, half an artificial log in the world's smallest firepan, while Jeff and Jean played guitar and everyone sang. We all lay on top of our sleeping bags sweating for an hour or two before it cooled enough to sleep. Poor C woke up a few hours later, retching. Poor H took care of him, the five times he woke to throw up. I think he had some bad river water from all that swimming. Of course all these excursions into the mosquito zone allowed the tent to fill up with ravenous bloodsuckers. In the morning the roof of the tent was covered in swollen bugs, too full of blood to fly. Ech. We left C to sleep in the tent while we staggered around packing up camp. This turned out to be a mistake. There were enough hungry mosq's left in the tent that he got devoured alive. On Tuesday at school, they refused to let him in without a doctor's certificate to prove that he did not have some infectious disease rash, obtaining which of course consumed all of H's Tuesday morning.
After cleaning up the puddles of sick on the sleeping bags, sleeping pads, tent floor, groundsheet and shoes, I was ready to start the packing of the dry bags preparatory to starting the packing of the boat. I couldn't see us finishing all this before the launch time, but we had so many helping hands, we were packed before some of the other boats, a first for me in family canoe camping. Thanks Jeff.
On down the river, C perfectly frisky and chirpy, H and I drooping rather. This is a good kid trip, when they get bored we just throw them overboard and let them swim for a bit. After this flat water stretch, there's a day of significant named rapids, which keeps everyone's attention for the most part: though the boys were chatting about Lego in the middle of Ida's Gulch while we had to stare doom in the face, a half-mile of rock spotting and dodging in the equivalent of a loaded 18-wheeler. The Old Town Penobscot 18'6" is a fine boat, but no-one would accuse it of nimbleness, particularly when loaded with 800-odd pounds of people and gear. Momentum, ah we have all the momentum we need to blast through anything, but a turn has to be put on the calendar well in advance, and co-ordinated between bow and stern. "I'm not yelling at you dear, I'm just communicating the turn" sometimes works to patch things up.
Flat water to Dewey Bridge, then a few miles to the first named rapid, Onion Creek: a two-stage rapid with an easy entrance of substantial waves lulling you into complacency, then a sudden boulder garden riddled with holes and pourovers. We took a poor line, I didn't see a rock in time, H was able to get her end of the canoe around it but my end of the barge bounced off. Luckily Ian knows enough to highside, plus that momentum took us past the rock before it could react and grab us (yes, rocks in whitewater have both animas and animus).
Campsites below Onion were almost filled with rafters, but we got the last good site with cottonwoods. Magnificent views across Professor Valley to the Fisher Towers, could not be better. Much too hot to do anything except drink beer in the shade and swim, so that's what we did. Children got bored and fought, a hazard of single-family trips, with not enough playmates to keep the interest up. I think they were also tired and ratty, late night Fri getting to the hotel (we are weenies, yes, but I'm not prepared to try and camp with kids and a 10:30pm arrival), followed by late night and broken sleep on Sat. They needed lots of attention, but we needed to cook dinner and make camp, so it all got a bit fractious. Eventually simmered down with kids fed and tent up. Someone's washing up at the river added a few spaghetti fragments to the mud load of the mighty Colorado, and brought several fat carp in to forage. I plopped a lump of blood-flavour Powerbait upstream of one of them, which charged in with its back showing to gobble it down. Ian pulled it in, about a 3-pounder leaping and flapping in the mud. A handsome fish, though carp get no respect in the USA.
Breathlessly hot again in the night. One tent was pitched in a fine-looking site, below a red cliff, under a cottonwood. That red cliff acted as a radiator, releasing the heat of the day gently throughout the night, and blocking the cooling breezes. We were camped in a much less attractive site, but the winds came through beautifully. Hah. H's ambition for the night was not to be thrown up upon, and have no-one peeing in her shoe. This was a low bar, but it was in fact achieved, hooray.
Next day a variety of rapids. Mostly the obvious route was the correct one, slightly L or R of center, ride out the big waves with a bit of back paddling. Ida's Gulch is on the USGS map as Rocky Rapids, and is the rapid I remember as White's. We ran this twice in the Old Town Discovery 158: the first time on our 1991 wanderjahr, quite alone on the river doing a day trip, filled up and tipped over in the recovery pool at the bottom; the second time in 1996 with Rich Ruehlen, boat loaded for camping, filled up again but did not tip.
The pictures above show C doing his 'see/hear no evil' imitation near the bottom of IG rapid (I never knew he was doing that, was looking somewhere else at the time ;-) When I asked him, he said he finds the bigger rapids scary, but he still enjoys canoeing, just not some rapids. Ian on the other hand laughs all the way down, the bigger the rapid the more laughs. The pictures are by Moab Action Shots. They have photographers camped out on the river, taking pictures of everything that passes. I didn’t know who the photogs under the umbrellas were at the time, but on the way into Moab to Kaleido-Scoops (ice cream shop) we passed their store, and I figured it had to be online. This suggests a new way of rating rapids - those with a photographer camped next to them, must be something significant. Class II rapid, or a Class Photo rapid, hm.
The real White's rapid wasn't anything much, some very big waves and one pour-over that really should be missed, but a straightforward line through it. We had lunch below the rapid, on the first actually sandy beach of the trip. All the other beaches looked like sand, but turned rapidly into a viscous grey mud below the waterline. I'd slipped in said mud and torn the toenail from RMNP (see earlier this month) half off. This was quite painful, plus the fine murky waters infected the wound. When I took the bandaid off on Tuesday night, I could see and smell rotting flesh below the nail, yech. How does a doctor remove a toenail ? with anesthetic, large forceps, and a burly nurse. How.. interesting.
Took off the river at Sandy Beach, yes it was. Unpacked boat, humped gear up the sandy hill to pack it into the car, to take it home and unpack it again (a pattern is emerging). Back to Moab for aforementioned ice cream, very nice, and trundle on home for six hours. The boys went to school on Tuesday without having had a bath since Thursday night. Luckily they'd swum a lot, and boys are supposed to be muddy, so it wasn't too noticeable.
Many thanks to Dave Allured, who put the whole trip together with his usual calm efficiency.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
extirpating Think-Adz
The self-styled winantiviruspro2007 has a cute little install pop-up that says 'Click OK to cancel this install'. This fooled number-one-son into clicking 'Cancel', which of course double-negatives into actually installing the winantiviruspro2007. Removing this lying thieving bastard was straightforward, between Scotty and Clamwin, no troubles.
However it brings Think-Adz along with it. That has a cunning trick whereby it re-installs itself every thirty seconds or so. None of the usual helpmeets could touch this - Scotty disabled its startup tasks and marked the dll files for deletion at startup, but after startup, the pox just re-installs; Clamwin didn't find anything, Ad-Aware and Spyware Blaster failed too. I went through the registry and pulled each key out, but before I could restart, it had re-installed. Hm.
Google failed me too: lots of references to Think-Adz, but all the 'solutions' involved buying someone's dodgy-looking software, or helpful 'tips' like "use Add/Remove programs to uninstall". Of course Think-Adz does not list itself in Add/Remove, and if it did, I'm certain the Remove would install something else noxious, plus keep T-A itself.
When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, not to say Windows, I trouble not deaf heaven with my bootless cries, but instead go to Sysinternals. Process Explorer (PE) and Autoruns are the essential tools. The Sysinternals tools overlap with Scotty's functionality - Scotty is usually more readable, the tools have useful extras. Since I didn't find this anywhere else, here's a step-by-step for rooting out Think-Adz, and mutatis mutandis, similar infections.
Scotty will show the rogue processes, using tab 'active processes'. This step involves knowing what's usually running on the system, so the skellums can be identified. If the usually running processes are not known, unsigned processes (no Company Name or Version information) are a good place to start. Google the process names for more information, and read with a jaundiced eye. Often infections will give their processes the same names as real Windows executables, and install them in C:\WINNT\system32\, so they look legit. In this case, the rascals were owinpmdt.exe and dwdsrngt.exe, running indeed from \system32.
For this case, look in \system32 using Windows Explorer (WE) or similar, sort by 'Modified Date', and check the files that were installed at a similar time to the known rogues. In this case the files all had recent timestamps from the install, so they all sorted to the top of the heap. Apart from the .exes, there were also two dll files installed in system32, xxyaaxu.dll and awvtt.dll.
These dll's and .exe's can't be deleted from WE, since they are marked 'in use'. Scotty can delete the .exe files - rightclick on the process in Scotty, and select 'delete file on reboot'. The dll's can be removed similarly using another Sysinternals tool, PendMoves, but I prefer to first find out what's using the dll's, to make sure I didn't miss some process.
To do this, start the Process Explorer, then use Find to enter a dll name and see which processes are using it. This revealed the xxyaaxu and awvtt were used by the known rogues, but also by Winlogon.exe, which is a legitimate Windows process. The Winlogon turned out to be where the reinstalls were coming from. Killing Winlogon also terminates Windows very rudely, so there's no simple way to stop the reinstallations. Luckily PE has another option: rightclick on the process in PE and select 'Suspend'. Obviously some bits on Windows won't work right while this is suspended, so complete the T-A removal as a priority.
Now use Scotty and Autoruns to see what new horrors have been scheduled to run at startup. As for the processes, it's good to know what is legitimately started, so the rogues can be identified. If not known, proceed as before to check the signatures and Google the unknowns. As for processes, use Scotty to rightclick on the task and select 'delete file on reboot' for the known bad guys, and 'disable' for the suspected bad guys. Check with Autoruns that Scotty found everything.
I found
C:\WINNT\system32\advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
streamci,StreamingDeviceSetup {97ebaacc-95bd-11d0-a3ea-00a0c9223196},{53172480-4791-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000},{53172480-4791-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000}
in my setup. Neither of these looked legitimate, so deleted them both as well.
Reboot. After reboot, verify that the dlls and exes were deleted from their locations. In my case the dll's still existed, but weren't in use anymore, so that WE could delete them.
For completeness' sake, run a registry edit and search to look for other traces of the beast. If the process above doesn't get rid of it, this will be required. First re-do the steps of the above process up to but not including the reboot. Then, Start/Run or open a command prompt, and run regedit. Read the awful warnings from Microsoft about editing the registry, take a deep breath, and proceed. Backup the registry first if you are feeling timid, but I usually don't bother. Note that in XP and Vista, there will be automatic System Restore points created by Windows, which can be used to restore the registry if need be. If doing this, select a date before the system was infected ;-)
Select 'My Computer' in the left-hand pane of regedit, then use the Edit menu to find all mentions of the known bads, owinpmdt, dwdsrngt, xxyaaxu and awvtt. Delete all keys containing references to these, unless they belong to BillP Studios, which is Scotty. BillP Studios will have references to the bad 'uns, which allow Scotty to delete the files upon reboot. To delete the keys, note that the find will show the reference in the right-hand pane. It's not immediately obvious which key is involved, but look at the bottom of the window, which will list the full key name. Select this key in the left-hand tab, then rightclick and select 'Delete'.
Also search the registry for Think-Adz, and any related data. For example Google turned up ExploreUpdSched, BrowserUpdateSched, kwinkrex.exe, ljdsrngk.exe and twinkmdt.exe as being related to Think-Adz. I didn't see these on my infection, but check and make sure.
After a mere three to four hours' work, you'll be back to an undiseased state. Hooray. Maybe it's time to upgrade to Ubuntu Linux.
However it brings Think-Adz along with it. That has a cunning trick whereby it re-installs itself every thirty seconds or so. None of the usual helpmeets could touch this - Scotty disabled its startup tasks and marked the dll files for deletion at startup, but after startup, the pox just re-installs; Clamwin didn't find anything, Ad-Aware and Spyware Blaster failed too. I went through the registry and pulled each key out, but before I could restart, it had re-installed. Hm.
Google failed me too: lots of references to Think-Adz, but all the 'solutions' involved buying someone's dodgy-looking software, or helpful 'tips' like "use Add/Remove programs to uninstall". Of course Think-Adz does not list itself in Add/Remove, and if it did, I'm certain the Remove would install something else noxious, plus keep T-A itself.
When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes, not to say Windows, I trouble not deaf heaven with my bootless cries, but instead go to Sysinternals. Process Explorer (PE) and Autoruns are the essential tools. The Sysinternals tools overlap with Scotty's functionality - Scotty is usually more readable, the tools have useful extras. Since I didn't find this anywhere else, here's a step-by-step for rooting out Think-Adz, and mutatis mutandis, similar infections.
Scotty will show the rogue processes, using tab 'active processes'. This step involves knowing what's usually running on the system, so the skellums can be identified. If the usually running processes are not known, unsigned processes (no Company Name or Version information) are a good place to start. Google the process names for more information, and read with a jaundiced eye. Often infections will give their processes the same names as real Windows executables, and install them in C:\WINNT\system32\, so they look legit. In this case, the rascals were owinpmdt.exe and dwdsrngt.exe, running indeed from \system32.
For this case, look in \system32 using Windows Explorer (WE) or similar, sort by 'Modified Date', and check the files that were installed at a similar time to the known rogues. In this case the files all had recent timestamps from the install, so they all sorted to the top of the heap. Apart from the .exes, there were also two dll files installed in system32, xxyaaxu.dll and awvtt.dll.
These dll's and .exe's can't be deleted from WE, since they are marked 'in use'. Scotty can delete the .exe files - rightclick on the process in Scotty, and select 'delete file on reboot'. The dll's can be removed similarly using another Sysinternals tool, PendMoves, but I prefer to first find out what's using the dll's, to make sure I didn't miss some process.
To do this, start the Process Explorer, then use Find to enter a dll name and see which processes are using it. This revealed the xxyaaxu and awvtt were used by the known rogues, but also by Winlogon.exe, which is a legitimate Windows process. The Winlogon turned out to be where the reinstalls were coming from. Killing Winlogon also terminates Windows very rudely, so there's no simple way to stop the reinstallations. Luckily PE has another option: rightclick on the process in PE and select 'Suspend'. Obviously some bits on Windows won't work right while this is suspended, so complete the T-A removal as a priority.
Now use Scotty and Autoruns to see what new horrors have been scheduled to run at startup. As for the processes, it's good to know what is legitimately started, so the rogues can be identified. If not known, proceed as before to check the signatures and Google the unknowns. As for processes, use Scotty to rightclick on the task and select 'delete file on reboot' for the known bad guys, and 'disable' for the suspected bad guys. Check with Autoruns that Scotty found everything.
I found
C:\WINNT\system32\advpack.dll,DelNodeRunDLL32 C:\DOCUME~1\ADMINI~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\IXP000.TMP\
streamci,StreamingDeviceSetup {97ebaacc-95bd-11d0-a3ea-00a0c9223196},{53172480-4791-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000},{53172480-4791-11D0-A5D6-28DB04C10000}
in my setup. Neither of these looked legitimate, so deleted them both as well.
Reboot. After reboot, verify that the dlls and exes were deleted from their locations. In my case the dll's still existed, but weren't in use anymore, so that WE could delete them.
For completeness' sake, run a registry edit and search to look for other traces of the beast. If the process above doesn't get rid of it, this will be required. First re-do the steps of the above process up to but not including the reboot. Then, Start/Run or open a command prompt, and run regedit. Read the awful warnings from Microsoft about editing the registry, take a deep breath, and proceed. Backup the registry first if you are feeling timid, but I usually don't bother. Note that in XP and Vista, there will be automatic System Restore points created by Windows, which can be used to restore the registry if need be. If doing this, select a date before the system was infected ;-)
Select 'My Computer' in the left-hand pane of regedit, then use the Edit menu to find all mentions of the known bads, owinpmdt, dwdsrngt, xxyaaxu and awvtt. Delete all keys containing references to these, unless they belong to BillP Studios, which is Scotty. BillP Studios will have references to the bad 'uns, which allow Scotty to delete the files upon reboot. To delete the keys, note that the find will show the reference in the right-hand pane. It's not immediately obvious which key is involved, but look at the bottom of the window, which will list the full key name. Select this key in the left-hand tab, then rightclick and select 'Delete'.
Also search the registry for Think-Adz, and any related data. For example Google turned up ExploreUpdSched, BrowserUpdateSched, kwinkrex.exe, ljdsrngk.exe and twinkmdt.exe as being related to Think-Adz. I didn't see these on my infection, but check and make sure.
After a mere three to four hours' work, you'll be back to an undiseased state. Hooray. Maybe it's time to upgrade to Ubuntu Linux.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The traffic is busy under an uncomprehending sky of wide and varied clouds. In the open space between office blocks, the harvest is ready: green leaves below the straw-yellow stalks and grain. There's no-one who knows what the grains are, nor will the harvest happen. Our food comes more easily, from China or the other side of the world. Blackbirds in the sky do not care.
When I can't workout at lunch time, due to increasing frailty, I walk with a book. At the end of the walk some fragments collect at the bottom of my consciousness. Often the fragments are the same as last years', both the walk and the thoughts are out and back again.
When I can't workout at lunch time, due to increasing frailty, I walk with a book. At the end of the walk some fragments collect at the bottom of my consciousness. Often the fragments are the same as last years', both the walk and the thoughts are out and back again.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
user-hostile design
The designers of the Kenmore Ultrawash Model 665 appear to think that cold water in the machine is sufficient reason to disable the entire appliance. The 'Clean' light starts blinking in a pathetic call for help, and nothing else responds. The manual directs us to 'call Sears maintenance'. Sears maintenance has a two-week lead time, and a $65 minimum. Washing dishes by hand for the next two weeks sends my evening 45-minute kitchen cleanup into an hour-and-a-half, which pushes bedtime back to well after 11, which means I’m short two hours of sleep every night instead of just one.
Luckily Google is our friend, and reveals the secret keypad dance that may unlock the frozen software bowels of this bugger.
Clean light flashes 7 times, only function available is drain. Start flashes quickly when pressed.
I was told the water temp. going into the machine was too cold and that you should run the water at the sink before starting the machine.
To clear the flashing light code, hit 'heated dry' then 'normal wash', then 'heated dry' and 'normal wash' and then all lights will light up. Hit 'cancel' and it's hi-ho Silver, awaay we go.
This is spectacularly user-hostile. The feature appears to be shared with several Whirlpool machines as well - a good argument for buying AEG.
Update 9/20: $200 for a new heater element. Coincidentally, the warranty period expired just two months ago. Also, there's a recall on some earlier models for fire hazards. Kenmore had a good record in Consumer Reports for repair history but I think it just lost it.
Luckily Google is our friend, and reveals the secret keypad dance that may unlock the frozen software bowels of this bugger.
Clean light flashes 7 times, only function available is drain. Start flashes quickly when pressed.
I was told the water temp. going into the machine was too cold and that you should run the water at the sink before starting the machine.
To clear the flashing light code, hit 'heated dry' then 'normal wash', then 'heated dry' and 'normal wash' and then all lights will light up. Hit 'cancel' and it's hi-ho Silver, awaay we go.
This is spectacularly user-hostile. The feature appears to be shared with several Whirlpool machines as well - a good argument for buying AEG.
Update 9/20: $200 for a new heater element. Coincidentally, the warranty period expired just two months ago. Also, there's a recall on some earlier models for fire hazards. Kenmore had a good record in Consumer Reports for repair history but I think it just lost it.
A day in Rocky Mtn NP
By the numbers: 12 hour day, 5 hours hiking; for 13-14 miles and about 2500ft of climbing; three turkey/cheese sandwiches, two liters water, one Coke, one candy bar, two peaches, four oat crunchies; one broken big-toe-nail; one brown trout, one Colorado River cutt, a dozen rainbows, uncounted brookies; lots of gorgeous high-country sunshine and views (ok, that's not a number, sue me).
Started out from the Bear Lake trailhead, milled about a bit (see map) at the forks for Glacier Gorge and other trails before getting on the right road down to the creek. This trail was very little used, looked to be going back to an elk path. After 10 minutes, cut back off the trail into the woods, with that momentary frisson of fear that going trailless always inspires. Glacier creek was small but pleasant, holding water needed to be at least 2 feet deep. Often in these smaller creeks the fish can be found in the shallow riffles as well, but today they wanted good deep water nearby. Opened the batting with a nice 12" brown, then a 10" rainbow followed by a passel of smaller bows 8-9", then a Co. river cutt, then a brookie. Hum, a grand slam. I nearly hopped out to go to the Roaring River to add a green-back cutt and get a 5-species slam, but it was too much like a riskless counting coup. Prospect Canyon is only about 20 feet deep, with a pretty 3-step waterfall into a good pool at its exit, missed a sizeable rainbow there. The rest of the canyon had some holding water, then a major tributary comes in, above which the creek is just a series of rocky cascades with not much visible potential. Good if you like fishing wet rocks.
There were at least 2 guided parties on the lower section. I took a wide loop through the woods around both, tried to give them a quarter mile or so of undisturbed water, but wasn’t too worried. It is a puzzle to me that there are sports willing to pay $300+/day to be walked 100yds off the road and shown easy trout.
Clambered back up through the woods to the elk trail, found a spray-cooled spot by a small falls for the first lunch of the day at 12. Battered up the crowded trail towards Mills lake, pausing to investigate the stream at a flattish spot. Shallow braided gravelly channels, with scatterings of small brookies was all. Those flat-water wild fish are as spooky as they come. I barely even try them anymore, too discouraging - stick a rodtip out of the bushes and the whole pool flushes. Any time you do manage to sneak up on the good-looking ones, some unseen sprats from the tailout panic and tear frantically upstream to startle everything else. These days I just go looking for better water. Second lunch at 1:30pm, quietly by the stream. Bypassed Mills to get up to Black, quite a pull over those 2.8 miles. I had lots of company on the trail, mostly older than me, indomitable old ladies with walking sticks and the occasional greybearded companion. At least they were friendlier than the serious young guys on a mission, hiking fast and silent and unshaven on some imperceptible quest of their own. Lovely stream along this section, plenty of waterfalls and good-looking holes.
Black Lake is very fishy-looking, a huge deep green hole under cliffs with streams tinkling in on two sides. A few mayflies (at 10800 ft ??) coming off, no rises though. Coke and a candy bar in the shade of the krummholz, since I was dragging a bit at this stage. Fat greenbacked brookie in the first puddle of the inlet stream, more brookies on up to the cascades again, to about 11". The stream was only just wide enough for the 11" to turn around. At the bottom of the cascades, a pocket of water about the size of a shoebox, six inches deep with every pebble visible: tossed an ant onto the water, and a ten-inch brookie materialized out of the pebbles. Hanging there eying the ant with its pectorals flared, it looked like a minor shark, a dizzying change of perspective. Tried various things including bobber fishing (hey, I was tired) in the lake, but couldn't find anything more than lanky black brookies to 10" or so. On the way back down, another luminous green-backed brookie of 12" in a plunge pool below a small waterfall, very pretty. Of course there should be green-back cutthroat trout up here: it's a ponderable whether the brookies are developing a similar colouration as the years of evolution produced in the cutts. Small thoughts for a long walk.
Back to Mills lake by 6, sunset on the high barren peaks. The lake had risers, hooked 5 of them but got none to hand. All looked about 10-11", nothing big, and I’m guessing brookies.
7:30pm and time to go. Finished the hike with a flashlight, last man off the mountain. A complete success, all in all. I said I’d go fishing and I did.. although I’m still listing slightly to the right when I walk, which I’ve been trying to avoid because it hurts.
My shoulders were sore for two days after lumping around the daypack with 3 extra layers, raingear, food and water. I was thinking it's really tedious to always pack all the emergency stuff while hiking around with fifty other folks on the trail, but it got quite lonely towards evening. A cautionary tale - it turns out my fishing buddy Ken had been benighted a couple of days ago elsewhere in the park with his (girl) cousin, and a dysfunctional high-tech lighter that wasn't able to make fire. Their guide had gotten ahead of them and lost track of his party. It always ticks me off when hiking/canoeing in tricky areas, some people just don't get the 'stick together' idea and it often ends in tears. That's the African training, get in trouble in the African backcountry and there are damn-all helicopters to get you out again, your own bloody stumps are the only way. Ken's bad joke - I slept with my cousin, and it was the worst night I've ever had !
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
USAT Sprint championships
short race report: felt like I was going to die, then I didn't. That'll have to count as the victory for the day.
eh. Lightheaded and weak during the swim, and never got better. Front brake rubbing for the first four miles of bike, but fixing it didn't help. Hard painful run, slogged it out.
Long race report may follow if I can regain the use of my faculties..
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